Thursday, October 11, 2012

Notes to Lucas

First tooth - 8 months old, and another tooth 2 weeks later!
First solids - April 19, 2008
First crawl - August 10, 2008 - the day you turned 9 months old!
First pulled yourself up to standing - September 10, 2008 (the day you turned 10 months old - you have a pattern!)
First word - "Bip" (Pip) followed soon after by "da" (daddy)
Top two teeth - 11 months old
Next two top teeth - 14 months old

8/18/08 - Tonight when we were laying down to get you to sleep you laughed at something or other. I laughed because the sound of your laugh is so sweet. You laughed at the sound of me laughing and before long we were both in hysterics. This went on for a good 3 minutes, which doesn't sound like long but when you are cracking up it's quite a long time. I love you so much.

8/21/08 - We took you for a check-up yesterday. You are a little over 21 pounds and 29 and 3/4 inches! You are in the 50th percentile for weight and head circumference and the 90th percentile for height. I wonder if you will be tall like the men on my side of the family.

This morning you woke up at 4:30 in the morning. Your Dad went in to change you and bring you into our room. I heard you over the monitor through a sleep haze, saying "Hi Da-yee". Your Dad said back "Hi Luke". It was adorable. We love you so much sweet boy.

9/1/08 -
You love when Daddy plays the guitar. You kick both legs and shake your arms around. When he stops playing you cry. I have a video of all of the above. Your dad and I get such a kick out of it. You have so much personality for such a little guy!

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